System Overview
The Central Accounting Database Inquiry (CADI) is an online database management system of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). CADI provides users direct access to budget cost reporting data processed through the Central Accounting System’s Budget Cost System (BUDG).
BUDG is a financial reporting system that captures detailed accounting data from Administrative Payments, Billings and Collections, and Budgetary Systems and updates the data into the BUDG master files. Information received through BUDG is loaded into an integrated database and updated weekly to reflect the most current financial data. Via remote terminals, users are able to query CADI for specific data applicable to their organizations.
CADI provides an automated Funds Control feature which records projected Agency cost data and National Finance Center (NFC) official data that has been processed by the Central Accounting System (CAS).
Within Funds Control is the Salaries and Benefits feature. This feature provides reports based on actual CAS payroll/personnel data. These reports are available to view employee status, earnings by pay period, the payroll exceptions, and a list of employees currently on the Payroll/Personnel System database. It also enables the Agency to execute current year projections and request a status of funds reporting including projection data.
For questions about NFC processing, authorized Servicing Personnel Office representatives should contact the NFC Contact Center at
or via the Internet using the Requester Console.
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