Discontinuation of the Printing and Mailing of Employee Separation Letters

Reference Number: NFC-23-1689004368
Publish Date: July 11, 2023
Effective Pay Period: 13, 2023


The Retirement Processing System (RETM), has been modified to discontinue the printing and mailing of separation letters for all employees of Agencies serviced by the National Finance Center (NFC). 

Affected System


System Impact Status


Modified to discontinue the printing and mailing of employee separation letters.


The printing and mailing of employee separation letters are being discontinued for all Agencies serviced by NFC. The individual Retirement Record (IRR) will continue to be forwarded to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) via the Register of Separations.


For questions about National Finance Center (NFC) processing, authorized Servicing Personnel Office representatives should contact the NFC Contact Center at 1-855-NFC-4GOV (1-855-632-4468) or via the customer service portal at ServiceNow Portal for Federated Users  and at ServiceNow Portal for Non-Federated Users.